Fields AT, Feldheim KA, Gelsleichter J, Pfoertner C, Chapman DD. 2016. Population structure and cryptic speciation in bonnethead sharks Sphyrna tiburo in the south‐eastern USA and Caribbean. Journal of Fish Biology 89 (5): 2219-2233 >>
Brooks JL, Guttridge TL, Franks BR, Grubbs RD, Chapman DD, Gruber SH, Dibattista JD, Feldheim KA. 2016. Using genetic inference to re‐evaluate the minimum longevity of the lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris. Journal of Fish Biology 88(5): 2067-2074 >>
Camargo SM, Coelho R, Chapman DD, Howey-Jordan L, Brooks EJ, Fernando D, Mendes NJ, Hazin FH, Oliveira C, Santos MN, Foresti F. 2016. Structure and genetic variability of the oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, determined using mitochondrial DNA. PloS ONE 11(5): e0155623 >>
Poulakis GR, Stevens PW, Timmers AA, Stafford CJ, Chapman DD, Feldheim KA, Heupel MR, Curtis C. 2016. Long-term site fidelity of endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) from different mothers. Fishery Bulletin 114(4): 461-475 >>
O'Leary SJ, Martinez CM, Baumann H, Abercrombie DL, Conover DO, Poulakis GR, Murray CH, Feldheim KA, Chapman DD. 2016. Population genetics and geometric morphometrics of the key silverside, Menidia conchorum, a marine fish in a highly-fragmented, inland habitat. Bulletin of Marine Science 92(1): 33-50 >>
Flowers KI, Ajemian MJ, Bassos-Hull K, Feldheim KA, Hueter RE, Papastamatiou YP, Chapman DD. 2016. A review of batoid philopatry with implications for future research and population management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 562: 251-261 >>
Jacoby D, Papastamatiou YP, Freeman R. 2016. Inferring animal social networks and leadership: applications for passive monitoring arrays. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13: 20160676 >>
Iosilevskii G, Papastamatiou YP. 2016. Relations between morphology, buoyancy and energetics of requiem sharks. Royal Society Open Access 3: 160406 >>
Howey LA, Tolentino ER, Papastamatiou YP, Brooks EJ, Abercrombie DL, Watanabe YY, Williams S, Brooks A, Chapman DD, Jordan LKB. 2016. Into the deep: the functionality of mesopelagic excursions by an oceanic apex predator. Ecology and Evolution 6: 5290-5304 >>
Domingues RR, Bruels CC, Gadig OBF, Chapman DD, Hilsdorf AWS, Shivji MS. 2018. Genetic connectivity and phylogeography of the night shark (Carcharhinus signatus) in the western Atlantic Ocean: Implications for conservation management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: 1 - 13 >>
Cardeñosa D, Quinlan J, Shea KH, Chapman DD. 2018. Multiplex real-time PCR assay to detect illegal trade of CITES-listed shark species. Scientific Reports 8: 16313 >>
Leigh SC, Papastamatiou YP, German DP. 2018. Seagrass digestion by a notorious 'carnivore'. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 285: 20181583 >>
Cardeñosa D, Fields AT, Babcock EA, Zhang H, Feldheim K, Shea S, Fischer G, Chapman DD. 2018. CITES-listed sharks remain among the top species in the contemporary fin trade. Conservation Letters 11: e12457 >>
Rocha LA, Pinheiro HT, Shepherd B, Papastamatiou YP, Luiz OJ, Pyle RL, Bongaerts P. 2018. Mesophotic coral ecosystems are threatened and ecologically distinct from shallow water reefs. Science 361 (6399): 281-284 >>
Cardeñosa D, Chapman DD. 2018. Shark CSI—The Application of DNA Forensics to Elasmobranch Conservation. In Shark Research: Emerging Technologies and Applications for the Field and Laboratory (eds. Carrier J, Heithaus MR, Simpfendorfer CA). CRC Press >>
Papastamatiou YP, Meyer CG, Watanabe YY, Heithaus MR. 2018. Animal-Borne Video Cameras and Their Use to Study Shark Ecology and Conservation. In Shark Research: Emerging Technologies and Applications for the Field and Laboratory (eds. Carrier J, Heithaus MR, Simpfendorfer CA). CRC Press >>
Kessel ST, Hinojosa NA, Wilson H, Clementi G, Knapp CR. 2018. Varied response of garden eels to potential predators and other large-bodied organisms. Matters 4(7) >>
Luongo SM, Lowe CG. 2018. Seasonally acclimated metabolic Q10 of the California horn shark, Heterodontus francisci. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 503: 129 - 135 >>
Curtis TH, Metzger G, Fischer C, McBride B, McAllister M, Winn LJ, Quinlan J, Ajemian M. 2018. First insights into the movements of young-of-the-year white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Scientific Reports 8: 10794 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Watanabe YY, Demsar U, Leos-Barajas V, Bradley D, Langrock R, Weng K, Lowe CG, Friedlander AM, Caselle JE. 2018. Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming. Movement Ecology 6(9) >>
Abercrombie DL, Cardeñosa D, Chapman DD. 2018. Genetic Approaches for identifying shark fins and other products: A tool for international trade monitoring and enforcement. Abercrombie & Fish, Marine Biological Consulting, Suffolk County, NY >>
Langrock R, Adam T, Leos-Barajas V, Mews S, Miller DL, Papastamatiou YP. 2018. Spline‐based nonparametric inference in general state‐switching models. Statistica Neerlandica 72(3): 179 - 200 >>
Bond ME, Valentin-Albanese J, Babcock EA, Hussey NE, Heithaus MR, Chapman DD. 2018. The trophic ecology of Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) relative to other large teleost predators on an isolated coral atoll. Marine Biology 165: 67 >>
Gallagher AJ, Papastamatiou YP, Barnett A. 2018. Apex predatory sharks and crocodiles simultaneously scavenge a whale carcasss. Journal of Ethology 36: 205 - 209 >>
Williams JJ, Papastamatiou YP, Caselle JE, Bradley D, Jacoby DMP. 2018. Mobile marine predators: an understudied source of nutrients to coral reefs in an unfished atoll. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20172456 >>
Payne NL et al. (Papastamatiou YP one of 14 authors). 2018. Combining abundance and performance data reveals how temperature regulates coastal occurrences and activity of a roaming apex predator. Global Change Biology 24(5): 1884 - 1893 >>
Bird C et al. (Papastamatiou Y one of 73 authors). 2018. A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 229-305 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Iosilevskii G, Leos-Barajas V, Brooks EJ, Howey LA, Chapman DD, Watanabe YY. 2018. Optimal swimming strategies and behavioral plasticity of oceanic whitetip sharks. Scientific Reports 8: 551 >>
Bakker J, Wagensteen OS, Baillie C, Buddo D, Chapman DD, Gallagher AJ, Guttridge TL, Hertler H, Mariani S. 2019. Biodiversity assessment of tropical shelf eukaryotic communities via pelagic eDNA metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution 9(24): 14341 - 1435 >>
Haugen JB, Papastamatiou YP. 2019. Observation of a porbeagle shark Lamna nasus aggregation at a North Sea oil platform. Journal of Fish Biology 95(6): 1496 - 1499 >>
Weideli OC, Bouyoucos IA, Papastamatiou YP, Mescam G, Rummer JL, Planes S. 2019. Same species, different prerequisites: investigating body condition and foraging success in young reef sharks between an atoll and an island system. Scientific Reports 9: 13447 >>
Cardeñosa D. 2019. Genetic identification of threatened shark species in pet food and beauty care products. Conservation Genetics 20: 1383 - 1387 >>
Cardeñosa D, Shea KH, Zhang H, Feldheim K, Fischer GA, Chapman DD. 2019. Small fins, large trade: a snapshot of the species composition of low‐value shark fins in the Hong Kong markets. Animal Conservation 23(2): 203 - 211 >>
Gonzalez C, Gallagher AJ, Caballero S. 2019. Conservation genetics of the bonnethead shark Sphyrna tiburo in Bocas del Toro, Panama: Preliminary evidence of a unique stock. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220737 >>
Whitman ER, Heithaus MR, García Barcia L, Brito DN, Rinaldi C, Kiszka J. 2019. Effects of seagrass nutrient content and relative abundance on the foraging behavior of green turtles in the face of a marine plant invasion. Marine Ecology Progress Series 628: 171 - 182 >>
Collins RA, Bakker J, Wagensteen OS, Soto AZ, Corrigan L, Sims DW, Genner MJ, Mariani S. 2019. Non-specific amplification compromises environmental DNA metabarcoding with COI. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 1985 - 2001 >>
Queiroz N et al. (Chapman DD & Papastamatiou YP two of about 150 authors). 2019. Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature 572: 461 - 466 >>
Bond ME, Valentin-Albanese J, Babcock EA, Heithaus MR, Grubbs RD, Cerrato R, Peterson BJ, Pikitch EK, Chapman DD. 2019. Top predators induce habitat shifts in prey within marine protected areas. Oecologia 190(2): 375-385 >>
Watanabe YY, Papastamatiou YP. 2019. Distribution, body size and biology of the megamouth shark Megachasma pelagios. Journal of Fish Biology 95(4): 992 - 998 >>
Huber D, Wilga C, Dean M, Ferry L, Gardiner J, Habegger L, Papastamatiou Y, Rmasay J, Whitenack L. 2019. Feeding in Cartilaginous Fishes: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis. In Feeding in Vertebrates (eds. Bels V, Whishaw IQ). Springer Nature >>
Cardeñosa D, Gollock MJ, Chapman DD. 2019. Development and application of a novel real‐time polymerase chain reaction assay to detect illegal trade of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Conservation Science and Practice 1(5): e39 >>
Weideli OC, Papastamatiou YP, Planes S. 2019. Size frequency, dispersal distances and variable growth rates of young sharks in a multi‐species aggregation. Journal of Fish Biology 94(5): 789 - 797 >>
Heupel MR, Papastamatiou YP, Espinoza M, Green ME, Simpfendorfer CA. 2019. Reef shark science- key questions and future directions. Frontiers in Marine Science 6(12) >>
Fuentes MMPB, Gillis AJ, Certain SA, Guttridge TL, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Smukall M, Gruber SH, Wildermann N. 2019. Informing marine protected areas in Bimini, Bahamas by considering hotspots for green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 197 - 2011 >>
Flowers KI, Chapman DD, Kemp T, Wert D, Feldheim KA. 2020. Annual breeding in a captive smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata. Journal of Fish Biology 97(5): 1586 - 1589 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Bodey TW, Caselle JE, Bradley D, Freeman R, Friedlander AM, Jacoby DMP. 2020. Multiyear social stability and social information use in reef sharks with diel fission-fusion dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20201063 >>
Cardeñosa D, Fields AT, Babcock EA, Shea SKH, Feldheim KA, Chapman DD. 2020. Species composition of the largest shark fin retail-market in mainland China. Scientific Reports 10: 12914 >>
Weideli OC, Papastamatiou YP. 2020. Intestinal eversion in a pelagic shark evokes chase and bite attempts by large-bodied carangid fish. Journal of Ethology 39: 125 - 127 >>
MacNeil MA et al. (Chapman DD, Flowers KI, Clementi G, Ali K, García Barcia L, Cardeñosa D, Kasana D, Papastamatiou YP, Quinlan J, & van Zinnicq Bergmann M ten of 121 authors). 2020. Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks. Nature 583: 801-806 >>
Postaire BD, Bakker J, Gardiner J, Wiley TR, Chapman DD. 2020. Environmental DNA detection tracks established seasonal occurrence of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in a semi-enclosed subtropical bay. Scientific Reports 10: 11847 >>
Labourgade P, Ballesta L, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou Y, Mourier J. 2020. Heterospecific foraging associations between reef‐associated sharks: first evidence of kleptoparasitism in sharks. Ecology 101(11): e03117 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Verbeck D, Hutchinson M, Bracken-Grissom HD, Chapman DD. 2020. An encounter between a pelagic shark and giant cephalopod. Journal of Fish Biology 97(2): 588 - 589 >>
Sabando MA, Rieucau G, Bradley D, Casselle JE, Papastamatiou YP. 2020. Habitat-specific inter and intraspecific behavioral interactions among reef sharks. Oecologia 193: 371 - 376 >>
García Barcia L, Agiro J, Babcock E, Cai Y, Shea SKH, Chapman DD. 2020. Mercury and arsenic in processed fins from nine of the most traded shark species in the Hong Kong and China dried seafood markets: The potential health risks of shark fin soup. Marine Pollution Bulletin 157: 111281 >>
Luongo SM, Ruth A, Gervais CR, Korsmeyer KE, Johansen JL, Domenici P, Steffensen JF. 2020. Bidirectional cyclical flows increase energetic costs of station holding for a labriform swimming fish, Cymatogaster aggregata. Conservation Physiology 8(1): coaa077 >>
Fields AT, Fischer GA, Shea SKH, Zhang H, Feldheim KA, Chapman DD. 2020. DNA Zip‐coding: identifying the source populations supplying the international trade of a critically endangered coastal shark. Animal Conservation 23(6): 670 - 678 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Britton C, Burgess GH. Using side-scan sonar to survey critically endangered smalltooth sawfish. 2020. Fisheries Research 228: 105577 >>
Flowers K, Kelley M. 2020. Resting whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari (Aetobatidae). Journal of Ichthyology 60: 122-123 >>
Feldheim KA, Jabado RW, Chapman DD, Cardeñosa D, Maddox JD. 2020. Microsatellite primer development in elasmobranchs using next generation sequencing of enriched libraries. Molecular Biology Reports 47: 2669 - 2675 >>
Thiele M, Mourier J, Papastamatiou Y, Ballesta L, Chateauminois E, Huveneers C. 2020. Response of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus to shark bite mitigation products. Scientific Reports 10: 3563 >>
Dwyer RG, Krueck NC, Udyawer V, Heupel MR, Chapman D, Pratt Jr. HL, Garla R, Simpfendorfer CA. 2020. Individual and population benefits of marine reserves for reef sharks. Current Biology 30: 1-10 >>
Collings Bohaboy E, Guttridge TL, Hammerschlag N, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Patterson WF. 2020. Application of three-dimensional acoustic telemetry to assess the effects of rapid recompression on reef fish discard mortality. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(1): 83 - 96 >>
Feldheim KA, Fields AT, Chapman DD, Scharer RM, Poulakis GR. 2017. Insights into reproduction and behavior of the smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata. Endangered Species Research 34: 463 - 471 >>
Bakker J, Wangensteen OS, Chapman DD, Boussarie G, Buddo D, Guttridge TL, Hertler H, Mouillot D, Vigliola L, Mariani S. 2017. Environmental DNA reveals tropical shark diversity in contrasting levels of anthropogenic impact. Scientific Reports 7: 16886 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Bodey T, Friedlander A, Lowe C, Bradley D, Weng K, Priestley V, Caselle J. 2017. Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities. Oikos 127(6): 767 - 779 >>
Leigh S, Papastamatiou Y, German D. 2017. The nutritional physiology of sharks. Reviews in Fish and Fisheries 27 (3): 561-585 >>
Fields AT, Babcock EA, Fischer G, Zhang H, Shea KH, Abercrombie DL, Feldheim KA, Chapman DD. 2017. Species composition of the global chondrichthyan (shark, batoid, chimera) fin trade assessed by a retail market survey in Hong Kong. Conservation Biology 32(2): 376-389 >>
Cardeñosa D, Fields A, Abercrombie D, Feldheim K, Chapman D. 2017. A multiplex PCR mini-barcode assay to identify processed shark products in the global trade. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0185368 >>
Flowers KI, Henderson AC, Lupton JL, Chapman DD. 2017. Site affinity of whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) assessed using photographic identification. Journal of Fish Biology 91 (5): 1337-1349 >>
Guttridge TL, van Zinnicq Bergmann MP, Bolte C, Howey LA, Finger JS, Kessel ST, Brooks JL, Winram W, Bond ME, Jordan LK, Cashman RC, Tolentino ER, Grubbs RD, Gruber SH. 2017. Philopatry and Regional Connectivity of the Great Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the US and Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science 4(3) >>
Bernard AM, Horn RL, Chapman DD, Feldheim KA, Garla RC, Brooks EJ, Gore MA, Shivji MS. 2017. Genetic connectivity of a coral reef ecosystem predator: the population genetic structure and evolutionary history of the Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi). Journal of Biogeography 44(11): 2488-2500 >>
Ebert DA, Papastamatiou YP, Kajiura SM, Wetherbee BM. 2017. Etmopterus lailae sp. nov., a new lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Zootaxa 4237: 371-382 >>
Bradley D, Conklin E, Papastamatiou Y, McCauley D, Pollock K, Kendall B, Gaines S, Caselle J. 2017. Growth and life history variability of the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhinchos) across its range. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0172370 >>
Bradley D, Conklin E, Papastamatiou YP, McCauley DJ, Pollock K, Pollock A, Kendall B, Gaines S, Caselle J. 2017. Resetting predator baselines in coral reef ecosystems. Scientific Reports 7: 43131 >>
Hussey NE, DiBattista JD, Moore JW, Ward EJ, Fisk AT, Kessel S, Guttridge TL, Feldheim KA, Franks BR, Gruber SH, Weideli OC, Chapman DD. 2017. Risky business for a juvenile marine predator? Testing the influence of foraging strategies on size and growth rate under natural conditions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 284 (1852): 20170166 >>
Delacy CR, Olsen A, Howey LA, Chapman DD, Brooks EJ, Bond ME. 2017. Affordable and accurate stereo-video system for measuring dimensions underwater: a case study using oceanic whitetip sharks Carcharhinus longimanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 574: 75-84 >>
Bond ME, Valentin-Albanese J, Babcock EA, Abercrombie D, Lamb NF, Miranda A, Pikitch EK, Chapman DD. 2017. Abundance and size structure of a reef shark population within a marine reserve has remained stable for more than a decade. Marine Ecology Progress Series 576: 1-10 >>
Bradley D, Papastamatiou YP, Caselle JE. 2017. No persistent behavioral effects of scuba diving on reef sharks. Marine Ecology Progress Series 567: 173-184 >>
Leos-Barajas V, Photopoulou T, Langrock R, Patterson T, Watanabe Y, Murgatroyd M, Papastamatiou Y. 2017. Analysis of animal accelerometer data using hidden Markov models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 161-173 >>
Gonzalez C, Postaire B, Domingues RR, Feldheim KA, Caballero S, Chapman D. 2021. Phylogeography and population genetics of the cryptic bonnethead shark Sphyrna aff. tiburo in Brazil and the Caribbean inferred from mitochondrial DNA markers. Journal of Fish Biology 99(6): 1899 - 1911 >>
Lowerre-Barbieri et al. (van Zinnicq Bergmann M one of 30 authors). 2021. Movescapes and eco-evolutionary movement strategies in marine fish: Assessing a connectivity hotspot. Fish and Fisheries 22(6): 1321 -1344 >>
Raoult V, Grant MI, Martins APB, Feitosa LM, Braccini M, Cardeñosa D, Carlson J, Chin A, Curtis T, Carvalho Costa LF, Rodrigues Filho LF, Giarrizzo T, Nunes JLS, Sales JBL, Williamson JE, Simpfendorfer CA. 2021. Assigning shark fin origin using species distribution models needs a reality check. Biology Letters 17(7): 20200907 >>
Harding L, Jackson A, Barnett A, Donohue I, Halsey L, Huveneers C, Meyer C, Papastamatiou Y, Semmens JM, Spencer E, Watanabe Y, Payne N. 2021. Endothermy makes fish faster but does not expand their thermal niche. Functional Ecology 35(9): 1951 - 1959 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Iosilevskii G, Di Santo V, Huveneers C, Hattab T, Planes S, Ballesta L, Mourier J. 2021. Sharks surf the slope: Current updrafts reduce energy expenditure for aggregating marine predators. Journal of Animal Ecology 90(10): 2302 - 2314 >>
Cardeñosa D, Chapman DD, Robles YL, Ussa DA, Caballero S. 2021. Rapid species and river-of-origin determination for matamata turtles (Chelus sp.) using real-time PCR: Facilitating rapid return of trafficked specimens back to the wild. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(9): 2586 - 2593 >>
Chapman DD, Ali K, MacNeil MA, Heupel MR, Meekan M, Harvey ES, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR. 2021. Long-term investment in shark sanctuaries. Science 372: 473 >>
Leigh SC, Papastamatiou YP, German DP. 2021. Gut microbial diversity and digestive function of an omnivorous shark. Marine Biology 168: 55 >>
Clementi GM, Babcock EA, Valentin-Albanese J, Bond ME, Flowers KI, Heithaus MR, Whitman ER, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Guttridge TL, O'Shea OR, Shipley ON, Brooks EJ, Kessel ST, Chapman DD. 2021. Anthropogenic pressures on reef-associated sharks in jurisdictions with and without directed shark fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 661: 175 - 186 >>
Clementi GM, Bakker J, Flowers KI, Postaire BD, Babcock EA, Bond ME, Buddo D, Cardeñosa D, Currey-Randall LM, Goetze JS, Harvey ES, Heupel M, Kiszka JJ, Kyne F, MacNeil MA, Meekan MG, Rees MJ, Simpfendorfer CA, Speed CW, Heithaus MR, Chapman DD. 2021. Moray eels are more common on coral reefs subject to higher human pressure in the greater Caribbean. iScience 24(3): 102097 >>
Quinlan JR, O'Leary SJ, Fields AT, Benavides M, Stumpf E, Carcamo R, Cruz J, Lewis D, Wade B, Amato G, Kolokotronis S-O, Clementi GM, Chapman DD. 2021. Using fisher‐contributed secondary fins to fill critical shark‐fisheries data gaps. Conservation Biology 35(3): 991 - 1001 >>
van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Postaire BD, Gastrich K, Heithaus MR, Hoopes LA, Lyons K, Papastamatiou YP, Schneider EVC, Strickland BA, Talwar BS, Chapman DD, Bakker J. 2021. Elucidating shark diets with DNA metabarcoding from cloacal swabs. Molecular Ecology Resources 21(4): 1056 - 1067 >>
Gallagher AJ, Shipley ON, van Zinnicq Bergmann M, Brownscombe JW, Dahlgren CP, Frisk MG, Griffin LP, Hammerschlag N, Kattan S, Papastamatiou YP, Shea BD, Kessel ST, Duarte CM. 2021. Spatial Connectivity and Drivers of Shark Habitat Use Within a Large Marine Protected Area in the Caribbean, The Bahamas Shark Sanctuary. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 608848 >>
Clark-Shen N, Xu Tinting K, Rao M, Cosentino-Roush S, Sandrasegeren R, Gajanur AR, Chapman DD, Lee Xin Ying E, Flowers KI, Feldheim KA, Manjaji-Matsumoto BM, Ng Zheng Hui S. 2021. The sharks and rays at Singapore’s fishery ports. Fisheries Research 235: 105805 >>
Neal JW, Claussen JE, Douglas MR, Spencer ET, Tracy E, Blasius H, Mackey T, Hall CJ, Kusnierz PC, Douglas ME, Bonar S. 2021. Best practices for communicating climate science for fisheries professionals. Fisheries Magazine 46(9): 445 - 448 >>
García Barcia L, Pinzone M, Lepoint G, Pau C, Das K, Kiszka JJ. 2021. Factors affecting mercury concentrations in two oceanic cephalopods of commercial interest from the southern Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 168: 112408 >>
Cardeñosa D, Fields AT, Babcock E, Shea SKH, Feldheim KA, Kraft DW, Hutchinson M, Herrera MA, Caballero S, Chapman DD. 2021. Indo‐Pacific origins of silky shark fins in major shark fin markets highlights supply chains and management bodies key for conservation. Conservation Letters 14(3): e12780 >>
Skubel RA, Wilson K, Papastamatiou YP, Verkamp HJ, Sulikowski JA, Benetti D, Hammerschlag N. 2020. A scalable, satellite-transmitted data product for monitoring high-activity events in mobile aquatic animals. Animal Biotelemetry 8(34): 1-14 >>
Cardeñosa D, Fields AT, Shea SKH, Feldheim KA, Chapman DD. 2021. Relative contribution to the shark fin trade of Indo‐Pacific and Eastern Pacific pelagic thresher sharks. Animal Conservation 24: 367 - 372 >>
Flowers KI, Heithaus MR, Papastamatiou YP. 2021. Buried in the sand: Uncovering the ecological roles and importance of rays. Fish and Fisheries 22: 105 - 127 >>
Papastamatiou YP, Leos-Barajas V, Howey L, Brooks E, Chapman DD, Watanabe Y. 2022. Individual differences in diel and vertical activity patterns in a large pelagic predator, the oceanic whitetip shark. Marine Biology 169(137) >>
Papastamatiou YP, Mourier J, TinHan T, Luongo S, Hosoki S, Santana-Morales O, Hoyos-Padilla M. 2022. Social dynamics and individual hunting tactics of white sharks revealed by biologging. Biology Letters 18: 20210699 >>
Iosilevskii G, Kong JD, Meyer CG, Watanabe YY, Papastamatiou YP, Royer MA, Nakamura I, Sato K, Doyle TK, Harman L, Houghton JDR, Barnett A, Semmens JM, Maoiléidigh NÓ, Drumm A, O'Neill R, Coffey DM, Payne NL. 2022. A general swimming response in exhausted obligate swimming fish. Royal Society Open Science 9: 211869 >>
Arguedas Álvarez T, Cáceres C, Ali L, Gharabaghi SA, Fola-Matthews L, Hyrycena dos Santos I, Kasana D, Maheshika Pathirana B, Martinez Candelas I, Martins APB, Peña Puch A. 2022. Shark conservation and fisheries management across the globe. In Minorities in Shark Sciences: Diverse Voices in Shark Research (eds. Graham J, Cáceres C, Santos de Azevedo Menna D). CRC Press >>
Andrzejaczek S et al. (Papastamatiou YP one of 171 authors). 2022. Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances 8(3) >>
Smukall MJ, Seitz AC, Dhellemmes F, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Heim V, Grube SH, Guttridge TL. 2022. Residency, site fidelity, and regional movement of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) at a pupping location in The Bahamas. Sustainability 14(16): 10017 >>
Giovos I, Aga-Spyridopoulou RN, Serena F, Soldo A, Barash A, Doumpas N, Gkafas GA, Katsada D, Katselis G, Kleitou P, Minasidis V, Papastamatiou YP, Touloupaki E, Moutopoulos DK. 2022. An Updated Greek National Checklist of Chondrichthyans. Fishes 7(4): 199 >>
García Barcia L, Valdes AE, Wothke A, Fanovich L, Mohammed RS, Shea S, González C, Cai Y, Chapman DD. 2022. Health risk assessment of globally consumed shark-derived products. Exposure and Health >>
Kasana D, Martinez HD, Faux O, Monzon N, Guerra E, Chapman DD. 2022. First report of a sleeper shark (Somniosus sp.) in the western Caribbean, off the insular slope of a coral atoll. Marine Biology 169(101) >>
Cardeñosa D, Shea SK, Zhang H, Fischer GA, Simpfendorfer CA, Chapman DD. 2022. Two thirds of species in a global shark fin trade hub are threatened with extinction: Conservation potential of international trade regulations for coastal sharks. Conservation Letters: e12910 >>
Jacoby DM, Watanabe YY, Packard T, Healey M, Papastamatiou YP, Gallagher AJ. 2022. First descriptions of the seasonal habitat use and residency of scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) and Galapagos sharks (Carcharhinus galapagensis) at a coastal seamount off Japan. Animal Biotelemetry 10(22) >>
Towner AV, Watson RGA, Kock AA, Papastamatiou YP, Sturup M, Gennari E, Baker K, Booth T, Dicken M, Chivell W, Elwen S, Kaschke T, Edwards D, Smale MJ. 2022. Fear at the top: killer whale predation drives white shark absence at South Africa’s largest aggregation site. African Journal of Marine Science 44 (2): 139 - 152 >>
Talwar BS et al. (Cardeñosa D one of 28 authors). 2022. Extinction risk, reconstructed catches and management of chondrichthyan fishes in the Western Central Atlantic Ocean. Fish and Fisheries 23(5): 1150 - 1179 >>
Talwar BS et al. (Fields CYA, Papastamatiou YP, and van Zinnicq Bergmann M three of 23 authors). 2022. Estimated life-history traits and movements of the Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi) in The Bahamas based on tag-recapture data. Marine Biology 169 (55) >>
Chapman DD, MacNeil MA, Heupel MR, Meekan MG, Harvey ES, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR. 2022. The Elasmobranchs of Coral Reefs. In Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives III (eds. Carrier JC, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Yopak KE). CRC Press >>
Papastamatiou YP, Mourier J, Vila Pouca C, Guttridge TL, Jacoby DMP. 2022. Shark and Ray Social Lives: Form, Function, and Ecological Significance of Associations and Grouping. In Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives III (eds. Carrier JC, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Yopak KE). CRC Press >>
Heithaus MR, Dunn RE, Farabaugh NF, Lester E, Madin E, Meekan MG, Papastamatiou YP, Roff G, Vaudo JJ, Wirsing AJ. 2022. Advances in Our Understanding of the Ecological Importance of Sharks and Their Relatives. In Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives III (eds. Carrier JC, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Yopak KE). CRC Press >>
Jorgensen et al. (Cardeñosa D one of 47 authors). 2022. Emergent research and priorities for shark and ray conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 47: 171-203 >>
Flowers KI, Babcock EA, Papastamatiou YP, Bond ME, Lamb N, Miranda A, Nuñez R, Valentin-Albanese J, Clementi GM, Kelley MC, Chapman DD. 2022. Varying reef shark abundance trends inside a marine reserve: evidence of a Caribbean reef shark decline. Marine Ecology Progress Series 683: 97 - 107 >>
Klimley AP, Ketchum JT, Lara-Lizardi F, Papastamatiou YP, Hoyos-Padilla EM. 2022. Evidence for spatial and temporal resource partitioning of sharks at Roca Partida, an isolated pinnacle in the eastern Pacific. Environmental Biology of Fishes >>
van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Guttridge TL, Smukall MJ, Adams VM, Bond ME, Burke PJ, Fuentes MMPB, Heinrich DDU, Huveneers C, Gruber SH, Papastamatiou YP. 2022. Using movement models and systematic conservation planning to inform marine protected area design for a multi-species predator community. Biological Conservation 266: 109469 >>
Dunn RE, Bradley D, Heithaus MR, Caselle JE, Papastamatiou YP. 2022. Conservation implications of forage base requirements of a marine predator population at carrying capacity. iScience 25: 103646 >>
Ito K, Higginson AD, Ruxton GD, Papastamatiou YP. 2022. Incorporating thermodynamics in predator-prey games predicts the diel foraging patterns of poikilothermic predators. Journal of Animal Ecology 91(3): 527 - 539 >>
Postaire BD, Feldheim KA, Clementi GM, Quinlan J, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Brooks EJ, Grubbs RD, Guttridge TL, Henderson AC, Tavares R, Chapman DD. 2022. Small localized breeding populations in a widely distributed coastal shark species. Conservation Genetics 23: 51 - 61 >>
Braun CD, Arostegui MC, Thorrold SR, Papastamatiou YP, Gaube P, Fontes J, Afonso P. 2022. The functional and ecological significance of deep diving by large marine predators. Annual Review of Marine Science 14: 129 - 159 >>
Talwar BS, Brooks EJ, Abercrombie DL, Anderson B, Bond ME, Brooks AML, Chapman DD, Clementi GM, Fields CYA, Gelsleichter J, Grubbs RD, Howey LA, Jordan LKB, Kizka JJ, Knotek RJ, Papastamatiou YP, Peterson CT, Schneider EVC, Shipley ON, Williams S. 2023. Insights into the relative abundance, life history, and ecology of oceanic sharks in the eastern Bahamas. Sustainability. 16:200 Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Insights into the Relative Abundance, Life History, and Ecology of Oceanic Sharks in the Eastern Bahamas (
Boube T, Azam CS, Guilbert A, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou YP, Mourier J et al. 2023. First insights into the population characteristics and seasonal occurrence of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the western Tuamoto, French Polynesia. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10: 1234059 >>
Simpfendorfer et al. (Flowers KI, Ali K, Cardeñosa D, Garcia Barcia L, Fields CYA, Kasana D, Kelley MC, Papastamatiou YP, Quinlan J, Schoen SN, van Zinnicq Bergmann M, Chapman D 12 of 153 authors). 2023. Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science 380: 1155-1160 >>
Shipley ON et al. (Chapman DD one of 21 authors). 2023. Energetic connectivity of diverse elasmobranch populations – implications for ecological resilience. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20230262 >>
Talwar BS, Bond ME, Williams S, Brooks EJ, Chapman DD, Howey LA, Knotek R, Gelsleichter J. 2023. Reproductive timing and putative mating behavior of the oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus longimanus in the eastern Bahamas. Endangered Species Research 50: 181 - 194 >>
Weideli OC, Daly R, Peel LR, Heithaus MR, Shivji MS, Planes S, Papastamatiou YP. 2023. Elucidating the role of competition in driving spatial and trophic niche patterns in sympatric juvenile sharks. Oecologia >>
Cardeñosa D, Robles YL, Ussa DA, del Valle CM, Caballero S, Chapman DD. 2023. Pre-export shark fin processing to conceal CITES-listed species: a case-study from a shark fin seizure in Colombia. Animal Conservation >>
Devloo-Delva F et al. (Chapman DD, García Barcia L, Postaire BD three of 37 authors). 2023. From rivers to ocean basins: The role of ocean barriers and philopatry in the genetic structuring of a cosmopolitan coastal predator. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9837 >>
Watanabe YY, Papastamatiou YP. 2023. Biologging and biotelemetry: Tools for understanding the lives and environments of marine animals. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 11: 247-267 >>
Ely T, Patten N, Naisbett-Jones LC, Spencer ET, Willette DA, Marko PB. 2023. Molecular identification of critically endangered European eels (Anguilla anguilla) in US retail outlets. PeerJ 11: e14531 >>
Logan RK, Luongo SM, Vaudo JJ, Wetherbee BM, Shivji MS. 2023. Hunting behavior of a solitary sailfish Istiophorus platypterus and estimated energy gain after prey capture. Scientific Reports 13: 1484 >>
Ladino F, Cardeñosa D, Bessudo S, Cueller A, Muriel F, Carvajal J, Amariles D, Duarte A. 2023. Monitoreo de fauna pelágica de los Montes submarinos del Pacífico colombiano usando BRUVS. Biota Colombiana 24(1): e1103 >>
Robinson NJ, Doñate‐Ordóñez R, Chatzievangelou D, Brooks AML, Cuffley J, Fields CYA, Hoefer S, Pinou T, Smith A, Mills S. 2025. Short‐term effects of attaching animal‐borne devices on the behavior of juvenile green turtles. Ecology and Evolution.14:e70707
Cardeñosa D, Babcock EA, Shea SK, Zhang H, Feldheim KA, Gale SW, Mills D, Chapman DD. 2024. Small sharks, big problems: DNA analysis of small fins reveals trade regulation gaps and burgeoning trade in juvenile sharks. Science Advances.10:eadq6214
Binder B, TinHan T, Harborne AR, Luongo SM, Kochan D, Spencer E, Butkowski D, Boswell KM, Leos-Barajas V, Gallegos-Herrada M, Li X, Liu X, Liu Y, Yang Y, Yu V, Papastamatiou YP. 2024. Time-series models and biotelemetry identify behavioral dynamics within a spawning aggregation of a large marine predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 750:119-132
Cardenosa D. 2024. Oceanic whitetip shark cookies: evidence of multiple predation events by an opportunistic mesopelagic predator on a large epipelagic shark. Journal Fish Biology. In Press
Heim V, van Zinnicq Bergmann M, Smukall MJ, Guttridge TL. 2024. Multiyear tourism-related feeding reduces short and long term local space use in a marine apex predator. Animal Behaviour 217:81-107
Herrera MA, Cardenosa D, Papastamatiou YP, Vaudo J, Bermudez-Rivas C, Shivji M. 2024. High residency of a Critically Endangered hammerhead shark to a small area: implications for marine protected area management and design. Marine Ecology Progress Series 743:47-63
Dedman S, Moxley J, Papastamatiou YP, et al (and Chapman D). 2024. Ecological roles and importance of sharks in the Anthropocene Ocean. Science 385:6708
Laurioux A, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou YP, Planes S, Ballesta L, Mourier J. 2024. Abiotic drivers of the space-use and activity of grey reef sharks, Carcharhinus amblyrhinchos, in a dynamic tidal environment. Journal of Fish Biology. In Press
Goetz JS et al (including Flowers KI, Fields CYA, Kelley M, Kasana D, Papastamatiou YP, Chapman DD). 2024. Directed conservation of the world's reef sharks and rays. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 8:1118-1128
van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Griffin LP, Bodey TW, Guttridge TL, Aarts G, Heithaus MR, Smukall MJ, Papastamatiou YP. 2024. Intraguild processes drive space-use patterns in a large-bodied marine predator community. Journal of Animal Ecology. In Press
Petersma FT, Thomas L, Harris D, Bradley D, Papastamatiou YP. 2024. Age is not just a number: how incorrect ageing impacts close-kin mark-recapture estimates of population size. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11352
Papastamatiou YP, Binder BM, Boswell KM, Malone MA, Heithaus MR, Huveneers C, Mourier J, Harborne AR. 2024. Dynamic energy landscapes of predators and the implications for modifying prey risk. Functional Ecology 38:284-293>>
Luongo SM, Schneider EVC, Harborne AR, Kessel ST, Papastamatiou YP. 2024. Habitat-specific impacts of climate change on the trophic demand of a marine predator. Ecology 105:e4222 >>
Burkhardt K, Papastamatiou YP, Seybald P, Pere O, Ramage JL, Tiarii I, Tixier T, Heitaurari O, Lecours V. 2025. Horizontal and vertical movement ecology of the oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) in French Polynesia. Marine Biology 172(2):1
Ochoa GM, Ramos EA, Gonzalez-Socoloske D. 2025. Predation of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) by killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Guanaja, Honduras. Aquatic Mammals 51(1):31-36